
10 Random Facts About Me

I thought it would be fun today to switch up my regular post content and share some random facts about myself! I love reading these on other blogs and thought it would be interesting to put together my own list so you can get to know a bit more about me. All my outfit details in this post are listed at the bottom (I cannot recommend this utility jacket enough - it's a staple for me in the spring, summer and fall).

1. I was born in Long Island, NY and lived there until I was 4.

2. I am an only child.

3. My mom was in labor with me for over 48 hours. I was stubborn then and am still very stubborn to this day.

4. I was a competitive figure skater growing up. I trained with my own coach and basically spent my entire free time at the rink. Even during the summers, I went to skate camp that lasted from 8am - 5pm each day.

5. Though I am a bit of a girly girl now, I was a total tomboy growing up. I didn't start showing an interest in makeup or clothes until high school (and then never looked back ha!).

6. I won the "Most Talkative" superlative in high school. I was up for "Best Dressed" as well. Clearly my classmates knew me well. LOL

7. I am super emotional and will cry at any and everything. I come across as quite put together, but can burst into tears at the drop of a hat.

8. I don't have huge aversions to foods, except for sour cream, mayonnaise and ketchup. I can sometimes deal with them mixed in certain dishes, but cannot stomach them alone. (I cringe now even typing them out and thinking about them - yuck!)

9. Being a doctor was my original career path but I decided after my 3rd year of college (and after taking TONS of pre-med classes) to go in a different direction. However, I did have a personalized license plate all during high school and college that said 'MD2BMD' as a tribute to my career path goals. LOL (my maiden name is Damm - so it was Maree Damm 2B MD)

10. Though I have an outgoing personality, I am more of an introvert by nature. I love staying home, hate large parties and gatherings and am sooooo comfortable spending time alone. 

Hope you enjoyed this post! Did any of these things surprise you? Sometimes people don't believe the introvert claim but all my close friends know it's totally true! :)

Jacket - Madewell (this jacket is a staple in my closet! also available here and here) | Dress - Michael Lauren | Sneakers - Golden Goose (also love this print and this print) | Bag - Gucci | Sunglasses - Illesteva (budget option here) | Bracelet - Miansai

Shop more cute sneakers for spring:


  1. I am SO the same on number 10

  2. Hello 'number 10', same here :-) !
    Love your blog btw!

    Best from Germany


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